CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS (Currently only seeking submissions for Sensual Romance and YA Anthology:)
SENSUAL ROMANCE – See regular submission guidelines below
YA anthology, Young Adventurers: Heroes, Explorers & Swashbucklers (Submissions must be sent no later than April 1, 2015)
Intrigue Publishing is delighted to announce that we’ll be publishing a new YA anthology, Young Adventurers: Heroes, Explorers & Swashbucklers. Publication is tentatively scheduled for November 2015. This will be aimed at the Young Adult audience. The subtitle , “Tales of teens saving the day in the past, the present, the future & on other worlds” should indicate the level of diversity we’re looking for. We plan 16 stories, with a deadline for submissions of April 1st or until the anthology is full.
What We’re Looking For:
Young Adventurers seeks stories of action, adventure and, yes, intrigue, featuring a teenage protagonist. We would welcome spy thrillers, mysteries, science fiction, paranormal or fantasy stories (dragons and magic are fine.) Straight adventure stories are also welcome and they could be set in any time period (we’d love to see a good western or pirate story.) Stretch your imaginations and surprise us!
The important requirements are that the protagonist be a courageous teenage boy or girl, that the story be gripping with a real sense of risk or danger, and that the protagonist survives or saves the day through his or her own intelligence, skill and ingenuity.
What We’re NOT Looking For:
Please no stories involving graphic violence, graphic sex, or profanity. That said, respect your audience: do not talk down to the reader. Twenty-first century young adult readers are pretty sophisticated.
The Submission Process:
Young Adventurers is looking for original, never-published short fiction only (no poetry), 5,000-10,000 words. But we will consider reprints from well-established writers. Manuscripts must be submitted by email attachment in Word. Submissions pasted into the body of an email message will not be read. The manuscript must be double-spaced, 12-point type, (Times New Roman or Arial.) Please include your contact information (name, address, email, and telephone number) on the first page of the manuscript. Intrigue cannot be responsible for submissions lost in transit. Manuscripts must be submitted to this email: . You can also use that email address if you have any questions concerning the anthology.
Payment and Rights:
Payment will be a base rate of $25.00 (unless we negotiate fees with well-established writers), plus two contributor’s copies delivered soon after publication. We will publish a bio for each author (up to 150 words) to accompany his/her story, and will be happy to plug other work by the author and include links to relevant websites. If we select your story, we will provide a standard anthology contract, purchasing First English Anthology Rights (unless the story is a reprint).
You can include your bio as a separate attached file when you submit your story, or, if we accept your story, return your bio with the signed contract at that time. Payment will not be issued until after the completed contract has been received. You will receive contributor’s copies of the anthology upon its release.
Also, keep in mind that, while we are an independent publisher with limited funding, we will actively market you on the Intrigue website and elsewhere to help you as we can. If you keep us up-to-date on your work, we’ll gladly include new interviews and other links with your online bio. Check out the current bios online at to get an idea of what we do.
As its name implies, Intrigue Publishing, LLC strives to publish books that intrigue the reader, that is, they will arouse the reader’s curiosity with their unusual, new, fascinating and compelling qualities.
Intrigue Publishing, LLC is interested in novels between 60,000 and 100,000 words in length that fall into the following genres: urban drama, young adult, mystery and sensual romance.
Intrigue pays royalties that are competitive in the industry and, on acceptance, an advance against royalties based on a book’s commercial potential.
Intrigue is affiliated with the largest worldwide distribution companies; Ingram and Baker & Taylor and is always looking for more ways to get books into brick and mortar bookstores as well as through online bookstores. Our marketing efforts are based on the marketability of the author as well as the book. We build a strategic marketing plan that will give us the best avenues for giving the book and the author the best chance for success.
Intrigue Publishing, LLC accepts electronic submissions only. Manuscripts should be Word or .txt documents, in Times New Roman or Arial font, double spaced with one-inch margins all around and a header that includes the authors name and page number. Authors interested in publishing with Intrigue should submit the first 50 pages (or to the end of that chapter if necessary) of their completed manuscript, a one-page synopsis, a short author’s bio and a short discussion of the novel’s target audience and any marketing or promotion ideas the author has. If you do not follow these guidelines your submission will not be accepted. If you would like to submit to Intrigue please send all of the above information, properly formatted to .
Intrigue is now accepting short stories using the same formatting as above for a regular manuscript. Short stories must be a minimum of 3,000 to a maximum of 10,000 words. Please submit the entire short story for review. Intrigue will be purchasing the one-time electronic rights to any selected story for $50.